No Idea Records

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No Idea Records is the coolest label out there right now if you like vinyl. Their biggest thing is Hot Water Music, but they have a stable of interesting and innovative punk and indie bands that stand head and shoulders above the sad facsimile that so much of punk is today. As if the music isn’t reason enought to love them, the records are beautiful. They’re mostly colored vinyl and not just red or blue, but all kinds of crazy colors and some are multi-color. The LP covers have some of the best album art going too. And the website has information about all pressings and colors and then numbers made. It’s an anal collector’s dream come true. Still not convinced? Check this out: LPs are $6! (CDs are only $7 for those of you unfortunate enough to be stuck with that format). And they ship media (unless you wanna pay for priority) so shipping is cheap too. And they have a distro with prices that are often cheaper than the labels themselves. Oh yeah, and there’s always some fun free stuff in the box!

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