Best album by…

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Mark and I were sending each other lists of bands and listing our favorites from each. I thought it might be fun to try it here from time to time. Maybe it’ll be fun or maybe I’m just stalling rather than actually writing something. Anyway, I’ll list the bands below. My choices will be there too, but I made the font the same as the background so you can’t see them if you want to pick yours before reading mine. To see mine, just highlight the post with your mouse and you’ll see the hidden text. I tried to keep this pretty mainstream for maximum participation.

  1. Jane’s Addiction – Nothing’s Shocking
  2. The Clash – The Clash (but London Calling is so very close)
  3. The Beatles – Revolver
  4. Pink Floyd – Meddle
  5. Led Zeppelin – III
  6. REM – Document
  7. Beastie Boys – Paul’s Boutique
  8. Fu Manchu – King of the Road
    (okay, that wasn’t so mainstream…)
  9. Rolling Stones – Which is shortest…?
  10. Ramones – Road to Ruin

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