Monthly Archives: August 2005

Sham 69

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Here’s a backhanded compliment from‘s review of Sham 69’s Tell Us the Truth album: “Tell Us the Truth sounds passionate, belligerent, and kinda dumb, but that’s an improvement over Sham 69’s later work, where the band sounds overblown, strident, and really, really dumb.” I don’t mean to single allmusic out here, because I’ve seen this treatment of Sham repeatedly… Read more »

Battle of the Bands (with a theme)

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Here’s a new twist on the old battle of the bands thing. Instead of picking two bands that are musically similar, I’m choosing two bands that have something in their names in common. Sometimes its a common theme, sometimes they’re opposites, sometimes they just sound similar. It’s not as serious an exercise perhaps, but it might be fun. It was… Read more »

Review: Thee More Shallows – More Deep Cuts

Label: TurnReleased: 2005 To be a truly great record, an album would have to transcend its genre and appeal to music fans in a nearly universal way. It has to be the kind of album that I’d give to someone and say, “I know you don’t like such-and-such-a-genre, but you have to hear this anyway.” If there’s a case to… Read more »