Monthly Archives: October 2005

Thoughts on Courtney Love

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I try to avoid even thinking about Courtney Love, but my ill-advised subscription to Spin magazine made that impossible with the latest issue. The list (and it seems they focus more on lists than articles these days) this time was the 10 (or 20 or whatever) Most Influential Artists of the Last 20 years. And surprise, surprise, the gentle and… Read more »

Review: Burn to Shine 1 & 2 DVDs

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Burn to Shine is a series of DVDs recorded live in houses scheduled for demolition. Both include great perfomrances by bands both well-known and lesser-known (see the website for a list), but what really makes these special is their wonderful human quality. They not only capture live music, but the final human experience in an old house that had seen… Read more »