Sub Pop, the corporate giant

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I’ve always loved ordering music directly from labels and I try to do that whenever I can. By and large, my experiences have been very good. About 12 years ago, I had a particularly good experience ordering some records from Sub Pop. At the time, I was pretty strapped for cash, but I really wanted Mudhoney’s My Brother the Cow. So, I called (this was before the days of online ordering) Sub Pop mailorder and ordered it along with three seven inches that I can’t even recall now. Then, I had second thoughts, knowing that money was tight and I called back to cancel the LP and keep the seven inches. No problem. About a week later, I get my package with…the seven inches and the LP. The next day, I get another package with just the seven inches. I call Sub Pop and explain what happened, knowing that it was due in part to my own indecision. I explain that I’m willing to go ahead and buy the LP, but that I just want to send the extra seven inches back. I get put on hold and I’m thinking, “I hope this isn’t a hassle.” To my surprise, they tell me to keep everything and they’ll only charge me for the three seven inches. How cool was that? It probably wasn’t the best business practice, but I did go back from time to time and order from them over the years and I always had a bit of a soft spot for Sub Pop, even as they became more corporate.

Fast forward to last Sunday night. I’m sitting around thinking, “Man, I should order a couple of Shins records.” So, I logon to the Sub Pop website and pick a coupl Shins LPs and the last Mudhoney and proceed to checkout. What’s that? Coupon? I don’t have a coupon. Maybe I can ask for one. It wouldn’t hurt to ask, right? Here’s what happened:

From: bob
Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2006 6:09 PM
To: Lacey S
Subject: Coupon

Hey, I was gonna place an order and I noticed there was a place to use a coupon. How do I get a coupon? I’d love to have one. Please…



I don’t think I was being too demanding or anything. I was just asking (nicely I might add). Lacey from Sub Pop responds:

Subject: RE: Coupon
From: “Lacey S” <>
Date: Mon, December 18, 2006 3:07 pm
To: bob

No coupon!

Lacey Swain
Sub Pop Records
2013 4th Ave, 3rd Fl
Seattle, WA 98121

Wow. That wasn’t very nice. I mean, I don’t care that I didn’t get a coupon, but she didn’t have to be nasty. What happened to the old Sub Pop? I respond (copying other emails for Sub Pop, just in case someone there cares):

From: bob
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 1:37 PM
To: Lacey S
Cc: press; info; directsales
Subject: RE: Coupon

No order! I’m sure I can pick ’em up used on



Just in case I wasn’t put off enough before, Lacey takes the time to respond and ensure that I know that Sub Pop doesn’t give a crap about the people who buy their records:

Subject: RE: Coupon
From: “Lacey S” <>
Date: Mon, December 18, 2006 5:07 pm
To: bob

You are probably right!

Lacey Swain
Sub Pop Records
2013 4th Ave, 3rd Fl
Seattle, WA 98121

I guess I should have known better, but I still hoped that Sub Pop would have some shred of it’s old indie self hanging around. I guess not. Thank you Lacey Swain of Sub Pop for your honesty. I won’t make the same mistake again. I’ll get my Sub Pop releases used and give my money to Turn and No Idea instead. They still treat music fans like people and not just consumers.

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