Back in the mid to late 80s, Strange Fruit Records released a series (or three) of EPs that were actual sessions from John Peel’s radio show on the BBC’s Radio One. I bought some at the time and I’ve always loved listening to them. They have a lot of raw energy that likely comes from essentially playing live for someone of John Peel’s stature (let’s face it, he witnessed a lot of rock n roll history in his studio). But the controlled environment ensures a quality recording. In some cases, I can really hear how tight some of these bands really were, knowing that these tracks were a single take with no post-recording magic. If you’re interested in the EPs, check out my Peel Sessions page for a list with recording and track info. I’m hoping to review the ones I have (and the new ones I buy) over time (probably in batches). My track record for posting isn’t that great, so we’ll see how it goes.