Monthly Archives: May 2007

Review: The Go-Gos – God Bless the Go-Gos

Label: Beyond Records Released: May 15, 2001 With very few exceptions, reunion albums are not essential listening. The best we can hope for is a solid album that at least isn’t an embarrassment. In 2001, the Go-Gos released their first studio album in 17 years. Considering such a long layoff and that their first go round was short and inconsistent… Read more »


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I’m going to add something new here that is actually a bit of a revival of something I used to do the first time around with this blog. I thought it might be fun to have an occasional “participation” post like Metal Mark has. I’ll call it Best/Worst and the idea is that I’ll list some bands and you tell… Read more »

Review: Paul McCartney – McCartney

Label: Capitol Released: April 20, 1970 For his first proper solo effort, Paul McCartney chooses to curtail the elaborate arrangements he had indulged in with the Beatles in favor of a more grounded album full of country, folk, blues, boogie and soul. To expect a solo album to meet the standard set by the Beatles (and particularly their finale, Abbey… Read more »

Like a cover…but different

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Sometimes two people collaborate on a song and record it with their respective bands. Usually, one is far more successful than the other. These don’t qualify as covers since the songwriters are the performers in both cases. They’re just collaborations that were recorded apart rather than together. Off the top of my head, I can think of three: “China Girl”… Read more »

Review: Ozzy Osbourne – Black Rain

Label: Epic Released: May 22, 2007 You’d think that 16 years of half-hearted recordings would destroy Ozzy’s career. If that isn’t enough, surely the overexposure from his asinine reality show would do it. No? How about one of the worst covers albums ever recorded? Somehow Ozzy seems to survive all of this, like a heavy metal Rasputin. I think “Not… Read more »

Review: Titan – A Raining Sun of Light and Love for You and You and You

Label: Tee Pee Records Released: February 6, 2007 The problem with Emerson, Lake and Palmer is that they don’t put enough rock in progressive rock. Don’t get me wrong, I like a lot of ELP, but they do tend to lean a bit too far to the classical side. Over 30 years after ELP’s peak, Titan comes along to correct… Read more »

Review: Grinderman

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Label: Anti Released: April 10, 2007 Some bands use rhythm. Some bands use melody. Grinderman uses insanity. Much of Nick Cave’s latest project has to be some of the darkest, most desolate music since Suicide’s debut 30 years ago. Unlike Suicide though, Grinderman has a more organic approach with traditional intruments and a definite feel of improvisation. While it might… Read more »

Live: Deep Sleep, Liars Academy, Loved Ones and Strike Anywhere

May 16, 2007, The Ottobar, Baltimore, Maryland First, this show was a benefit for a great cause. J. Robbins has given an awful lot to the music community over the years between his own bands and those he produced. Now, J.’s family is in need. His son Callum has Spinal Muscular Atrophy and his care requires more than insurance will… Read more »