Review: Slough Feg – Hardworlder

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Label: Cruz Del Sur Music

Released: July 2007

Though Slough Feg’s name is derived from Irish mythology, they’re really at the forefront of the NWOSFHM (New Wave of San Francisco Heavy Metal). What that really means is that they’re from Frisco and they love Iron Maiden.

This is the band’s sixth release, but the first one I’ve heard. Even from a band with that many releases under their belt, Hardworlder is a fine album. The album is technically proficient and has great energy which they manage well. They do borrow heavily from the NWOBHM, Maiden in particular, but their approach is more raw and that makes Slough Feg stand out. There is the occasional hint of prog rock as well, but it’s never overbearing.

It would be a stretch to say that Slough Feg is the next thing in metal, because they’re not. They look more to the past than the future, but at least they do the past a service by re-energizing it. If you don’t like Iron Maiden, you probably won’t like Slough Feg (you’re also probably deaf or stupid), but if you can’t get enough of Maiden, Slough Feg has enough of their own thing going to be of real interest.

Rating: 6/10

If you’d like to read other reviews of Slough Feg’s latest, check Metal Mark and the Metal Minute.

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