Review: Papermoons – 7 inch EP

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Label: Team Science Records

Released: July 24, 2007

Houston’s Papermoons, the duo that is Matt Clark and Daniel Hawkins, make music that is soft and gentle on the surface, but moves with subtle power. Their debut EP contains four songs (five on the CD) of indie folk beauty that mix layers electronic drone and traditional instrumentation. In just a single listen, the ride travels deep under the surface, touching far more than just the ears. The band really seems to be on its own path. It’s a similar vein to the Postal Service perhaps, but by no means derivative. Each track is a big lush soundscape without losing its small folksy, rootsy feel. The best recommendation for approaching Papermoons’ music comes from the record itself: “I think we think too much about everything…” This isn’t a record to over analyze. Abandon yourself to its flow and you’ll just understand.

Rating: 9/10

Note: Place your mouse over the album art to see the beautiful vinyl.

Papermoons Myspace

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