Review: Bridge and Tunnel – 7 inch EP

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Label: No Idea Records

Released: May 9, 2007

A superficial listen to Bridge and Tunnel’s debut EP gives the impression that they’re just one of many bands out there now in the mold created by Hot Water Music, with passionate songs and a raw and catchy yet complex sound. So many bands have run with that and just taken a bit of the edge off for accessibility that it’s become a bit of a tired sub-genre. While Bridge and Tunnel don’t break away from that entirely, a closer listen reveals a subtle intricacy in their music that gives them their own piece of that sound. Vocal harmonies, at times sweet, at others dissonant, beautiful and fluid guitar interplay and varying rhythms all combine to make music with life and movement and passion. Bridge and Tunnel bring quite a pedigree of prior work in other bands together to create something really special, if not entirely new. Just don’t assume it’s the same old thing, because while it may not break the mold, it certainly comes out of that mold as its own thing.

Rating: 7/10


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