Review: Dan Wilson – Free Life

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Label: American Recordings

Released: October 16, 2007

If you enjoyed Dan Wilson’s band, Semisonic, than you’ll enjoy his solo work as well. You’ll also have to explain to all your friends why you like music that sucks, but that’s beside the point. If you had the good sense to hate Semisonic than you’ll likely hate this also…mostly.

Dan Wilson takes more of a folk rock approach on this album with only some alt rock leanings. Of course, I should be hesitant to use the word rock at all in this case, because it’s something Wilson really fails to do. There’s nothing wrong with the playing on this album and Wilson clearly has a good voice. The production is a bit thin in places, but stays crisp. The album is entirely listenable, but also entirely unenriching. Really, there are a few songs on this album that actually approach being good in places where the music sounds more organic and Wilson keeps his voice out of the upper registers. While a good soul singer can hit the high notes and energize the song, Wilson’s voice has the opposite effect, deflating any energy the song may have built.

In a sense, Dan Wilson is like an alt rock James Taylor. There are hints that he’s got some talent, yet his complete inability to fulfill his own promise makes the album fall even flatter than if it had no promise at all. If you like Semisonic, you might give this album 8/10, but I’d give you 1/10, so your opinion doesn’t matter.

Rating: 3/10



By the way, I have an extra promo copy of this CD. It’s free to the first person who can make a compelling argument for why Rick Rubin touched this with a ten foot pole (he’s executive producer). You can leave your answer in the comments, but be sure to contact me here as well so I know how to get in touch with you if you win.

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