Monthly Archives: December 2007

Happy New Year (and some reflections on 2007)

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While I’ve had this site for a few years, I’ve only been really dedicated to it for the last eight months and that time has certainly been interesting. Prior to May of this year, I would write periodically about a record I bought or a show I saw, but it was never consistent and I never even considered the idea… Read more »

Top 20 (or so) of 2007

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I have to say that 2007 was a good year for my ears. I didn’t spend a lot of time scouring the pop charts, but there’s so much out there that one doesn’t have to look very hard to find some good stuff just beneath the surface in just about any genre. (I didn’t really stick to 20, because I’d… Read more »

The Worst of 2007

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While I heard a lot of really good music in 2007, the year wasn’t without its clunkers. Let’s get them out of the way today and be free to enjoy the best 2007 had to offer tomorrow. 5. Mountain – Masters of War: Why does Leslie West think Bob Dylan needs Mountain to prove his relevance? After this disaster of… Read more »

Chuck Ragan will be playing a few solo gigs between HWM shows!

From SideOneDummy: Los Angeles, December 20, 2007. Hot Water Music is back together for a few select shows in Florida, Jersey and Chicago. In between those shows co-lead singer of HWM and SideOne solo artist Chuck Ragan will play some acoustic solo gigs. Ben Nichols of Lucero and Joshua English of 6 Going On 7 will be supporting. Here are… Read more »

DVD: Kiss – Kissology Vol 3 1992-2000

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Label: VH1 Classic Records Released: December 18, 2007 Frankly, I expected the third volume of the Kissology to be the least essential. While the Revenge tour material was likely to be decent and the Unplugged reunion with Ace and Peter shouldn’t be missed, the rest followed them through their years of touring with the make-up back on and the stage… Read more »

DVD: Kiss – Kissology Vol 2 1978-1991

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Label: VH1 Classic Records Released: August 14, 2007 I’d be surprised if anyone expected the Kissology installments to get better as they progressed just because the band clearly peaked during the period covered by Vol 1. I didn’t find it odd that Vol 2 didn’t have the thrill of the first one, but I was surprised at what a step… Read more »

Review: The Wildbirds – Golden Daze

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Label: PRC Released: August 14, 2007 The Wildbirds draw on a variety of late 60s and early 70s influences on Golden Daze. At times they turn it into their own sound, but at other times, they filter it through more recent regurgitations, most prominently the Strokes. The first few tracks on Golden Daze get old quickly. The driving rhythms of… Read more »

Review: Love and a .45 – Too Blonde For You

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Label: Cheapshock Records Released: November 5, 2007 Here’s a short list of some of the bands I can hear in Love and a .45’s music: Bad Religion, Rancid, Hole, Avail, Face to Face, a bit of the Replacements, even. The thing they all have in common is that they’re American. What’s odd is that Love and a .45 isn’t. They’re… Read more »