Monthly Archives: December 2007

Review: Thrice – The Alchemy Index Vols I & II: Fire & Water

Label: Vagrant Records Released: October 16, 2007 Some bands seem to have potential, but early on, it’s unclear whether they’ll fulfill that. When I first heard Thrice open for Hot Water Music at the 9:30 Club back in 2002, that’s exactly the way I felt about them. The live show was dynamic and energetic, but the two studio albums were… Read more »

Side One Dummy’s 2nd Annual Charity Concert

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“Rock To Roll 2007” raises over $35,000 for UCP Wheels For Humanity Los Angeles, December 13, 2007. On Tuesday December 11 over 1,200 people attended the second annual ROCK TO ROLL charity concert at The Avalon in Hollywood, CA. Flogging Molly, The Bouncing Souls, Dead To Me, and Punk Rock Karaoke (featuring a guest list of singers including Jim Lindberg,… Read more »

As if we needed more proof that Rolling Stone was a corporate monster…

We, the undersigned independent record labels, wish to share our indignation regarding Rolling Stone’s November 15th pull out editorial, which featured the names of our artists in conjunction with an ad for Camel cigarettes. This editorial cartoon gives every impression of being part and parcel of the advertisement wrapped around it. The use of an artist’s name to promote a… Read more »

Review: Pomegranates – Two Eyes

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Label: self-releassed Released: 2007 Pomegranates have crafted an EP that knocks on the doors of Casiotone indie pop, pop punk and everything in between. The first few bars of “The Children’s Progress” sound an awful lot like Postal Service, but before you can get settled into that, it takes a turn down a crooked post-punk street. They follow that with… Read more »

Review: Sound Neighbors

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Label: Smithsonian Folkways Released: October 23, 2007 When listening to a Smithsonian Folkways release, it’s important to keep in mind that their mission is far different from a strictly commercial label. Their eyes aren’t on Billboard, but on culture. There is always a clear educational goal on their albums that is incidental at best when it exists elsewhere. Still, they… Read more »

DVD: Paul McCartney – The McCartney Years

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Label: Rhino Released: November 13, 2007 Like Paul McCartney’s post-Beatles career, this collection is erratic. Some of it is amazing, some is trite, some is timeless and some is dated. The first disc is by far the least interesting. While some of the very early classics are on there, the videos generally show Paul’s escape to a pastoral life that… Read more »

Review: Grayceon

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Label: Vendlus Records Released: February 14, 2007 Prog rock’s faults aren’t usually related to technical skill at any stage of the process, from writing to playing to producing. In fact, the genre’s greatest difficulty stems from its artists being too good, too musical. Prog bands have a tendency to lose the emotional connection with their audience that is essential in… Read more »

Review: Brian Dewan – Words of Wisdom

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Label: Eschatone Records Released: November 13, 2007 Clearly, some novelty records are just silly and others are, at least on some level, actually quite serious. Words of Wisdom is certainly of the more serious variety. That’s not to say that it isn’t light-hearted, just that it has a real purpose. Brian Dewan apparently found these songs in old schoolbooks, garage… Read more »