Monthly Archives: January 2008

DVD: Yes – Their Definitive Fully Authorized Story

Label: Image Entertainment Released: January 15, 2007 I’m a fan of Yes. I understand that they have serious flaws from Jon Anderson’s esoteric, eastern-philosophy-lite lyrics to their frequent substitution of calculation for emotion, but somehow, they manage to get away with it in my book. Like Yes’ better moments, this DVD often finds itself short on thrills, but long on… Read more »

Review: Zolof the Rock and Roll Destroyer – Schematics

Label: Flight Plan/Reignition Records Released: September 25, 2007 Zolof the Rock and Roll Destroyer is yet another power-pop band among what seems like an endless stream coming out these days. So, what sets this female-fronted hook-fest apart from the others? For one thing, energy. In a genre that seems to go through the motions, Zolof is engaged in what they’re… Read more »

Review: Watts – One Below the All Time Low

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Label: Self-released; buy it at CD Baby or Not Lame Released: September 4, 2007 Watts took their name from the drummer of perhaps the most over-rated rock band in history. However, the part of the Stones that they tap into is that of the band in its hungry 60s prime, not the bloated dinosaur of the last 35 years. And… Read more »


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Apparently, this was supposed to go live last night, but is being delayed once again. It’s been in the works for awhile, but if it’s finally OK’d and goes live, then it should mean free access to millions of songs from the four majors. What’s the catch? Advertising. You have to watch the ads (kinda like TV). So, what will… Read more »

Review: Hackman – The New Normal

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Label: Small Stone Records Released: May 29, 2007 The heavy sludge that is the principle ingredient in Hackman’s sound isn’t necessarily a hot commodity these days. In order to stand out, bands have to incorporate more than just a love for Black Sabbath and Hackman does just that. The album starts off slow and heavy, but doesn’t stay that way…. Read more »

Review: Steve E. Nix and the Cute Lepers – Terminal Boredom b/w Prove It

Label: 1-2-3-4 Go! Records Released: July 3, 2007 Steve E Nix and the Cute Lepers serve up a fun little slab of old-school punk and new wave on this EP. “Terminal Boredom” is ’77-style punk rock that borrows heavily from the Clash and Ramones, while “Prove It” could almost be a outtake from Elvis Costello’s “Armed Forces.” If you’re gonna… Read more »

Discography: Kiss (the makeup years)

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Before anyone even says anything, I know that this stuff was geared toward adolescent males (and actually appealed most to pre-adolescent males). I know the lyrics are about as stupid as anything rock music has ever produced. I know the objectification of women is part and parcel of Kiss and I hate that. However, I was about six when I… Read more »

Review: Woody Guthrie and Lead Belly – Folkways: The Original Vision

Label: Smithsonian Folkways Released: April 25, 2005 It’s interesting how sometimes, two completely different artists can embody the greatest facets of an entire style of music. For example, take a look at The Beatles and The Rolling Stones; one is the hopeful and adventurous warmth of daylight, while the other is the nihilistic swagger of darkness. And while rock fans… Read more »