Monthly Archives: August 2008

Review: Mad Tea Party – Found a Reason

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Label: Nine Mile Records Released: July 15, 2008 There is an interesting revival of old-time music afoot. Tapping into vaudeville, string bands and vocal groups of the 30s and 40s, these bands’ strengths can also be their limitations, making many strictly revivalists rather a modern look at the past. A few, however, manage to break the bounds of revivalism to… Read more »

Review: The War on Drugs – Wagonwheel Blues

Label: Secretly Canadian Released: June 17, 2008 Just because an artist has done all that can be expected of him and has earned the right to rest on his laurels, doesn’t mean the work he started is done. So it is with Bob Dylan and The War on Drugs has picked up the cause and put their own spin on… Read more »

Review: Zebrahead – Phoenix

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Label: Icon Records Released: August 5, 2008 There are great albums that are definitive in their genre, essential to their scene or even influential across the full spectrum of rock music. Then, there are (possibly) great albums cultivated on ground made fertile by their more innovative predecessors. Can they really be called great? Who’s to say for sure, but there… Read more »

Review: Sharks and Sailors – Builds Brand New

Label: self-released Released: August 1, 2008 Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, so the physicists say. You cannot effectively defend your position without understanding the opposition, so the orators say. You cannot know up without down, dark without light, good without evil, so the philosophers say. Ours is in many ways a world defined and understood in terms… Read more »

Interview: Cory Gray of Carcrashlander

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Formerly in the sadly underknown Desert City Soundtrack, Cory Gray’s current endeavor is Carcrashlander. This is a band so good that even I can forgive their love of Randy Newman. Their self-titled debut came out earlier this year on Parks and Records. I got the chance to talk with Cory about the past, present and future (and the piano versus… Read more »