Monthly Archives: November 2008

Review: The Baseball Project – Vol. 1 Frozen Ropes and Dying Quails

Label: Yep Roc Records Released: July 8, 2008 Baseball is a slow game with a level of intensity and athleticism that is generally below that of many other sports. Yet there’s nothing quite like sitting in the bleachers on a warm summer evening. There’s nothing like the 7th inning stretch, nothing like a double play. Even in the days when… Read more »

Contest: The Clash – Live at Shea Stadium on 180 gram vinyl!

I have a copy of the Clash’s Live at Shea Stadium on 180 gram vinyl (not a crappy old CD) to give away. The first person with the correct answers to the following will win a copy. Don’t put the answers in the comments. Send them via my contact form along with your email and mailing address. 1) The Clash… Read more »

Review: David Gilmour – Live in Gdansk

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Label: Sony Released: September 16, 2008 I had a few preconceptions coming into this one: David Gilmour is easily in my top 20 guitarists of all time. He clearly did great work in Pink Floyd and his diminished role on the Waters-dominated albums of the late 70s and early 80s show just how vital he (and Rick Wright) were to… Read more »