Monthly Archives: July 2010

Review: Carrie Rodriguez – Love and Circumstance

Released: April 13, 2010 Label: Ninth Street Opus Carrie Rodriguez’s last effort, 2008’s She Ain’t Me, was an album full of potential, but good as it was, it suffered from restraint. Her voice needed to soar. It yearned to soar. Yet, it never quite did. Two years have passed between that album and Love and Circumstance and if anything, Rodriguez’s… Read more »

Whattya Listenin’ to Wednesday – July 21, 2010

Yesterday was the Warped Tour stop . Over a month ago, I got the press request form, filled it and…didn’t send it back. When I hadn’t heard anything last week, I emailed, found out they didn’t have my request and then sent it. I was thinking I was just too late, but Monday evening, I did get the confirmation. Despite… Read more »

DVD: The Specials – 30th Anniversary Tour

Released: July 27, 2010 Label: MVD Visual Back in 1998, I was lucky enough to catch the Specials on the Warped Tour. Despite being only a subset of the band’s classic line-up, they were outstanding. Nonetheless, the constant parade of half-hearted reunions that permeate the rock scene today still kept my guard up for this release of the 2009 reunion… Read more »

Live: Thrice, Kevin Devine, Bad Veins, The Dig

Recher Theatre, Towson, Maryland June 26, 2010 When I last saw Thrice in 2002, they were touring for The Illusion of Safety, a young band with promise that was, at that point, unfulfilled. They played with heart and daring, but not all of their ideas worked. Over the course of the next eight years, perhaps no band has grown so… Read more »

Whattya Listenin’ to Wednesday – July 14, 2010

Sorry I missed the last two weeks. The first I just spaced on and the second I was on vacation with a very, very poor internet connection. Anyway, I’m back now and I’ll try to be a little more consistent. My playlist is thin, because I haven’t had a lot of time for personal listening lately, but that should change… Read more »

Review: Stone Axe/Mighty High split 7 inch

Released: June 29, 2010 Label: Ripple Music Stoner rock always conjures up images of slow, sludgy tunes played in dark, smoky rooms…but it isn’t always like that. The bands on this split EP are perfect examples. Stone Axe’s “Metal Damage” is a mid-paced tune that mixes metal heaviness with a 70s hard rock groove. It has more punch and a… Read more »