Review: Sorority – Sorority EP

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Label: self-released
Released: October 29, 2015

Sorority EP

Sometimes, the best music is not always the most perfect. Sometimes the sheer act of overcoming adversity is far bigger than a perfect mix. Sure, the Dark Sides and Sgt. Peppers of the world have their place, but so do some things that overcome odds just to rear their heads and scream to be noticed.

Sorority’s eponymous EP is just such a thing. Hailing from Venezuela, a country that has produced few waves on the international rock scene and offers little of the resources available even to a teenage garage band in the US, Sorority has nonetheless brought their hard rock, guitar-driven sound to the world against those odds. Yes, the production leaves something to be desired. The vocals are too far in the front and the rhythm section only hints at the actual groove contained in these songs. Nonetheless, the EP has a raw immediacy that underscores its solid writing. “Atras” jerks the EP into action only to slip into a quiet open middle passage with beautifully understated guitar work. “Tartufo,” a reference to Moliere’s duplicitous Tartuffe, has a stuttering drive forward with vocals that both grind and soar. The pace changes with “Tu Nombre,” slowing down but seamlessly incorporating a haunting viola that plays well with the guitar lead. “Tu Otra Piel” closes the EP with Sorority’s most atmospheric work. Still finding heavy, chunky grooves along the lines of Prong, they nonetheless go out with a more musically thoughtful tracks versus a cacophonous frenzy.

Just as there was adversity in the making of Sorority’s debut EP, so there is some adversity in listening as well. However, the payoff is significant in four songs that never lose sight of themselves. Sorority present a ride that eases in pace while building in emotional intensity, signifying songwriting that not only makes this album worthwhile in its own right, but bodes well for the future also.

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