Listening Journal: July 24 – August 6

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Collage of album covers from this week's Listening Journal

John Coltrane – The John Coltrane Quartet Plays: I had a dream about listening to Coltrane, and it was so powerful that I woke up at 3am, got out of bed, and started listening. This was always one of my favorite records and it’s even better than I remember.

John Coltrane – John Coltrane and Johnny Hartman: Unlike Plays, I never really “got” this record when I was younger. Maybe it just sounds different in your 50s than it does in your 20s. Hartman’s voice is rich and smooth, and Coltrane plays exactly what each song needs at exactly the right time.

Derrick Carter – Fabric 56: I know I listened to this mix before but it felt like I never heard it until now. I played it many times, and each was better than the time before.

Dennis Ferrer – “Hey Hey” remixes: This classic track scratched an itch in a big way.

Sofia Kourtesis – Si Te Portas Bonito: The more I listen to her Latin flavor of house, the more I like it!

German Brigante – Deep House Spain Mixtape: My time with Sofia Kourtesis sent me on a journey for Latino house music. This German Brigante mix on Soundcloud was hardly what I was expecting, but it was a good find.

Shirley Scott – Mucho Mucho, Great Scott! and Hip Soul: A friend told me about Scott, who I’ve never heard before. At first it seemed like run-of-the-mill late ‘50s / early ‘60s jazz, but the more I focus on Scott’s organ playing, the more it sucks me in. I doubt this will ever become a staple, but it’s something I’ll absolutely play again.

Taylor Swift – Folklore: It’s speaking to me more this summer than it at any other time since it came out.

All Hands_Make Light – Darling the Dawn: I’ve listened to this probably a dozen times now but it’s taking longer than usual for me to discover its secrets. The album is almost like a dream in which I’m immersed while it’s happening then forget as soon as it ends.

Old friends who made it into rotation this week: Caterina Barbieri: Myuthafoo; Buzzin’ Fly Vol. 2.

About Chuck

After spending 10 years working as a professional bassist, Chuck realized he loves listening to music much more than playing it. Eleven albums or events that dramatically influenced his relationship with music and life, in the order he encountered them: Fleetwood Mac, Rumours; Van Halen, Fair Warning; Foreigner, 4 tour, 2/9/1982; John Coltrane, Crescent; De La Soul, Three Feet High and Rising; Puccini, La Boheme (Beecham, de los Angeles); Everything But The Girl, Walking Wounded; Carl Cox, live at Twilo, 2000; Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Yanqui UXO; Grateful Dead, Ladies and Gentlemen, the Grateful Dead (Fillmore East, NYC, 1971); Taylor Swift, 1989.

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