Mars Volta, Part 2

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In a previous post, I suggested that Mars Volta may be on the verge of becoming the next Pink Floyd and releasing an album on par with Dark Side of the Moon. Tonight, while driving home and thinking of what to post, I wondered, “What if they don’t release something on the level of Dark Side?” A few seconds later,… Read more »

Greatest Hits?!?!?

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I just noticed today that Rhapsody has added Better Than Ezra’s Greatest Hits. Greatest hits? Should that really be plural? I remember “Good” being a decent song at a time when most things on the radio were decent. I vaguely remember that they had another single (from the next album?) that charted, but didn’t get that much play. Maybe I’m… Read more »

Cool Labels

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Awhile back, I posted about No Idea Records. Here’s a few more cool labels to check out: Turn Records – Turn is a great little indie rock label. The catalog is small in size, but big in coolness. Jeff, who runs the label, takes a personal interest in the music too, which probably accounts for the quality of the releases…. Read more »

Bad Lyrics

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Occaisionally, rock lyrics are poetry, but most often, they’re just words that are really only moving in conjunction with music. That’s perfectly fine, because the lyrics don’t have to stand on their own. How often do you sit around reading the lyrics to songs you aren’t listening to? The words are part of a larger whole that (hopefully) moves us… Read more »

7 Seconds Show Part 4: You’re never too old to be young…

“A lot of times I still feel like a kid. I guess we’re all kids…” Kevin Seconds said that at one point during the show, but he didn’t have to. Everything about 7 Seconds’ performance said it for him. Before they even got on stage, I noticed drummer Troy Mowatt limbering up for the set, jumping up and down like… Read more »

7 Seconds Show Part 3: Kill Your Preconceptions

The third band on the bill was one I was somewhat familiar with, Kill Your Idols. I bought their Funeral for a Feeling album a few years ago and gave it a few listens. It’s one of those albums that falls into the “okay” category, because while there’s no reason to really knock it, there’s no reason to really love… Read more »

7 Seconds Show Part 2: There is such a thing as trying too hard…

My second post about the 7 Seconds show is (big surprise) about the second band, Champion. They’re a straightedge band out of Seattle and they’re pretty tight, when they’re playing. The biggest problem with their set wasn’t their music at all, it was that they spent way too much time between songs. I don’t mind a little banter from a… Read more »

7 Seconds Show Part 1: How mediocrity makes punk exceptional…

I hadn’t seen a show since the Subhumans back on Election Day, so I was pretty psyched to see 7 Seconds at the Ottobar last night. After all, they were a really important band to me for years (I bought the Crew 20 years ago). Kill Your Idols, Champion and the Sparks also played and while I wasn’t as excited… Read more »