The Staves – Good Woman

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Released: February 5, 2021 Usually, it’s a good thing when a group tries to move beyond the strict confines of their sound. Without that impetus, we’d have no Sgt. Peppers, no Heroes, no Achtung Baby. It’s the boldness that moves the art of making music forward. That being said, it is not something to undertaken lightly or carelessly. The artist… Read more »

Sault – Untitled (Black Is)

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Released: Juneteenth 2020 Untitled (Black Is) opens with a gospel chant of revolution that rises to a fever pitch similar to how calls for racial justice rose to a fever pitch in the days leading up to its release on Juneteenth 2020. Then it does something interesting. The chant fades away to gentle chords and warm ambience and a reassuring… Read more »

Tyshawn Sorey – Unfiltered

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At first, Unfiltered seems like another nostalgic throwback to jazz of the ‘50s and ‘60s, an imitation of the greats at their greatest. Soon, however, it becomes clear that Sorey and his sextet aren’t imitating the greats, but instead are channeling their energy. Imitation is easy: you practice, you learn a style, you steal it. Channeling energy, however, is much… Read more »

Mystic Inane – Natural Beauty EP

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Released: December 15, 2020 Before calling it quits, Mystic Inane released this four track EP in late 2020. It’s basically just early 80s American punk (think pre-metal Black Flag and Circle Jerks or JFA) that leans to the somewhat angular side à la the Minutemen. Yes, it’s been done before, ad nauseum even, but there is something to be said… Read more »

Review: Puddle Splasher – Missed Connection

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Label: Animal Style Records Released: November 6, 2015 In four years of college, I did not make a single friend. My social experience was awkward and lonely at best. While that is now over twenty years in the past, Puddle Splasher reminds me rather vividly of those difficult days. Written during the band’s first semester at college, Missed Connection is… Read more »

Review: Sorority – Sorority EP

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Label: self-released Released: October 29, 2015 Sometimes, the best music is not always the most perfect. Sometimes the sheer act of overcoming adversity is far bigger than a perfect mix. Sure, the Dark Sides and Sgt. Peppers of the world have their place, but so do some things that overcome odds just to rear their heads and scream to be… Read more »

Review: Library Voices – Lovish

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Label: Nevado Music Released: November 6, 2015 In a way, Lovish is almost two albums, an earthier, grounded first side followed by a colder, post-punk side two. Opening with the rough, grittiness of “Oh Donna,” Library Voices set the stage for the simple truths of almost Springsteen caliber. The hard facts of life are spun optimistically as they sing, “All… Read more »

Review: Steve Hogarth and Richard Barbieri – Not the Weapon But the Hand

Label: KScope Released: February 27, 2012 Anyone familiar with Steve Hogarth’s or Richard Barbieri’s work would assume not to expect a standard, run-of-the-mill album. That assumption proves correct here. Not the Weapon But the Hand feels more like a soundtrack than a regular album and that accounts simultaneously for its strengths and weaknesses. “Red Kite” is certainly a subtle opener,… Read more »

Review: Yak – No EP

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Label: Third Man Reocrds Released: November 13, 2015 Yak is heavy, heavy, heavy. Not just any heavy, but Blue Cheer heavy. MC5 heavy. Amps pushed past the breaking point heavy. This record is physically incapable of being quiet. Smashing drums and low end fuzz blast out a groove that almost asks you to dance on the manic “No.” Stuttering distortion… Read more »